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I should start this blog by explaining what an Endoversary is for those not in the know.
An Endoversary is the anniversary of the date a woman gets diagnosed with endometriosis.
I appreciate to some of you, it’s strange to remember the anniversary of getting diagnosed. I remember because after starting my period at age 11 and suffering for years, I finally had an answer. That answer was given to me on the 24th May 2007. If you’d like to read more about my endometriosis story, please read this post.
I wasn’t a lunatic, what was happening to me was real and there was a real reason for it too.
I remember my Endoversary not to feel sad but because I’ve been so fortunate along my endometriosis journey. I have made some lifelong friends since I was diagnosed. Most of them are thanks tofriendships forged on the Endometriosis UK forum. Those friendships then traversed the Internet and they became Facebook friends. A lot of the endo girls I’ve met online, I’ve been privileged to meet in person too. Who remembers Biggus Dickus after a few drinks in Manchester?
I celebrate because I now understand what’s going on with my body. I now know to rest when I need to and to not beat myself up.
I celebrate because I’m lucky. Not every woman has a treatment which works effectively against the endometriosis. I have heard consultants describe endometriosis as a living cancer without a cure. I am grateful that I can live a normal life. I’m also grateful I don’t need to worry about having periods now.
That really is a relief. Although I do still have endometriosis flare ups which are not fun.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I celebrate a lot but I also commiserate a lot too.
I had ten years of awful periods, sometimes so bad, I would have to crawl to the bathroom. I’ve cancelled plans because I’ve been unwell. I’ve lost an ovary. I have to rely on hormones and deal with the trauma of having my implant changed every three years. I say trauma because my last implant change was not pleasant.
I mourn the fact I may never have biological children. My body needs the hormones to keep the endometriosis at bay. I only have one functional ovary. I think its part of human nature sometimes to dwell on the worst-case scenario.
Today, I was reminded that I don’t always have a positive attitude towards my endoversary. You’ve got to love Facebook memories.
I have spent many years being angry with my diagnosis.
One thing I want to leave you all with is if you experience any of the following, please see a doctor:
- Heavy, painful periods
- Bleeding between periods
- Pain during or after sex
- Pain when you wee or poo
- Other signs are fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or nausea, especially during menstrual periods.
Taken from the Mayo Clinic 24/05/19 here.
Happy 12th Endoversary to me.
Take care,
Lis x